Top 20 Most Dangerous Universities

20. University of Louisiana at Lafayette
Location: Lafayette, Louisiana
Student enrollment: 17,508
Violent crime rate: 11.4 per 10k students
Property crime rate: 126.2 per 10k students
UL Lafayette, the southernmost school on this list, has an extensive campus safety infrastructure. This includes institutional promotion of the Rave Guardian app, which allows users to virtually walk their friends home. Campus police are registered officers in the state of Louisiana.

19. University of California, Berkeley
Location: Berkeley, California
Student enrollment: 38,189
Violent crime rate: 11.5 per 10k students
Property crime rate: 183.0 per 10k students
Berkeley’s storied campus is no stranger to intra-campus strife. But perhaps it earns its spot on this list for more covert crimes: in terms of number of offenses in 2016, it ranks highest for larceny-theft, motor vehicle theft, and arson among the top 20. But the university is more than equipped to respond to any incident: UCPD Berkeley includes a bomb team with a K-9 unit and an anonymous tip line for students who feel unsafe.

18. University of Cincinnati
Location: Cincinnati, Ohio
Student enrollment: 36,042
Violent crime rate: 12.5 per 10k students
Property crime rate: 70.5 per 10k students
The University of Cincinnati’s Department of Public Safety developed the Bearcat Guardian app to enhance communication between its police force and the greater campus community. The app provides access to free day and evening transportation, emergency notifications, and safety tips. Recent reports claim that the university is also adding new features to its 911 dispatch service.

17. Northeastern University
Location: Boston, Massachusetts
Student enrollment: 19,940
Violent crime rate: 12.5 per 10k students
Property crime rate: 126.9 per 10k students
This prestigious Boston university sees approximately ten times more property crimes than violent ones. That doesn’t reflect on its campus police force and safety initiatives, which include a series of safety videos through NUPD’s “A Quick Heads Up” program.

16. Old Dominion University
Location: Norfolk, Virginia
Student enrollment: 24,672
Violent crime rate: 12.6 per 10k students
Property crime rate: 149.2 per 10k students
Among ODU’s safety initiatives is the LiveSafe App, which lets users track friends’ locations, view safety incidents on a campus map, and report tips.

15. Coastal Carolina University
Location: Conway, South Carolina
Student enrollment: 10,263
Violent crime rate: 12.7 per 10k students
Property crime rate: 230.0 per 10k students
This beachside institution (the smallest by enrollment on this list) employs a comprehensive emergency management program, a text messaging notification system, and a professionally trained CHANT Intervention Team tasked with dealing with potential safety disruptions. Nevertheless, CCU has the second-highest number of property crimes per 10,000 students on this list.

14. New Mexico State University
Location: Las Cruces, New Mexico
Student enrollment: 15,940
Violent crime rate: 12.9 per 10k students
Property crime rate: 172.4 per 10k students
A public university, NMSU boasts a high number of programs devoted to women’s empowerment and safety through its police department, including classes titled “Fight Like a Girl,” “Girls on Guard,” and “Weapons for Women.”

13. University of South Alabama
Location: Mobile, Alabama
Student enrollment: 16,211
Violent crime rate: 13.6 per 10k students
Property crime rate: 73.4 per 10k students
University of South Alabama also employs the LiveSafe mobile app for students, and a guaranteed-anonymity Silent Witness Program for community members wishing to provide information on campus crime.

Credit: Chris Light at English Wikipedia
12. Miami University
Location: Oxford, Ohio
Student enrollment: 19,076
Violent crime rate: 13.6 per 10k students
Property crime rate: 121.6 per 10k students
In February 2018, Miami University students working for its campus newspaper, The Miami Student, held a public forum on safety and security. In citing statistics indicating that local emergency services disproportionately serve incapacitated students, the forum indicated that students are focused on improving public safety in the greater Oxford area and updating educational initiatives on emergency processes.

11. Indiana State University
Location: Terre Haute, Indiana
Student enrollment: 13,584
Violent crime rate: 14.0 per 10k students
Property crime rate: 119.3 per 10k students
Like many other large universities, ISU has implemented the Rave Guardian mobile app with the aim of raising campus security standards.

10. Loyola University of Chicago
Location: Chicago, Illinois
Student enrollment: 16,437
Violent crime rate: 15.8 per 10k students
Property crime rate: 68.1 per 10k students
This Chicago-area Catholic university has seen some recent controversy in terms of its campus police practices. The school’s stop and frisk policy has been accused of perpetuating racial profiling, and as a result, mistrust has grown between students and the school’s campus safety office, which is currently withholding body camera footage from the public.

9. Marquette University
Location: Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Student enrollment: 11,491
Violent crime rate: 16.5 per 10k students
Property crime rate: 232.4 per 10k students
This Wisconsin school has the highest number of property crimes per 10,000 students on this list. It also has been amping up its active shooter training, according to recent reporting.

8. University of New Hampshire
Location: Durham, Manchester, and Concord, New Hampshire
Student enrollment: 15,351
Violent crime rate: 16.9 per 10k students
Property crime rate: 68.4 per 10k students
The eighth-highest proportion of violent crimes among large universities goes to UNH’s three campuses. Its police department is nationally accredited, and possesses communications and social services divisions.

7. University of Central Missouri
Location: Warrensburg, Missouri
Student enrollment: 14,395
Violent crime rate: 17.4 per 10k students
Property crime rate: 101.4 per 10k students
UCM was the country’s first university campus to employ the Campus Eye safety app. It also transmits emergency and weather notifications through TextCaster®.

6. SUNY Buffalo State College
Location: Buffalo, New York
Student enrollment: 10,330
Violent crime rate: 17.4 per 10k students
Property crime rate: 150.0 per 10k students
Between official safety escorts and a nationally recognized university police force, SUNY Buffalo students’ safety is very much accounted for.

5. University of Alabama at Birmingham
Location: Birmingham, Alabama
Student enrollment: 18,333
Violent crime rate: 17.5 per 10k students
Property crime rate: 192.5 per 10k students
This university is one among several sponsors of Birmingham’s Smart Cities Readiness workshop, whose goals include more effective citywide interconnectivity and the use of smart technology to improve crime prevention and law enforcement processes.

4. University of Maine
Location: Orono, Maine
Student enrollment: 10,922
Violent crime rate: 18.3 per 10k students
Property crime rate: 126.4 per 10k students
The northernmost campus on this list, UMaine also has a less involved and multifaceted police force than most other schools on this list. It has a “Campus Eyes” anonymous tip program, but few other distinctive offerings.

3. Marshall University
Location: Huntington, West Virginia
Student enrollment: 13,621
Violent crime rate: 18.4 per 10k students
Property crime rate: 16.2 per 10k students
By a wide margin, Marshall University boasts the lowest number of property crimes per 10,000 students on this list. However, it ranks third for violent crimes by the same proportion.

2. University of California, Los Angeles
Location: Los Angeles, California
Student enrollment: 41,908
Violent crime rate: 20.0 per 10k students
Property crime rate: 183.3 per 10k students
UCLA has the highest number of burglaries among all universities of 10,000 students or more, at 84 total reported incidents in 2016. By sheer numbers, UCLA is #1 for campus-related violent crimes. However, it comes in at second on this list, because it has a student enrollment nearly twice that of the top-ranked most dangerous school.

1. University of California, Santa Barbara
Location: Santa Barbara, California
Student enrollment: 23,497
Violent crime rate: 20.4 per 10k students
Property crime rate: 122.6 per 10k students
At #1 on the list of the most dangerous universities is the University of California, Santa Barbara. With 20.4 violent crimes per 10,000 students, UCSB may possess this dubious distinction, but not for lack of passion in community engagement. Student involvement in the betterment of Isla Vista at the UCSB campus has been steadily growing, in part thanks to the student-led establishment of I Heart UCSB in 2013.
School Danger Superlatives
Most Violent Crimes: University of California, Los Angeles, at 84
Most Property Crimes (all types): Arizona State University, at 902
Most Burglaries: University of California, Los Angeles, at 127
Most Larceny-Thefts: Arizona State University, at 803
Most Motor Vehicle Thefts: University of New Mexico, at 124
Most Arson Incidents: Pennsylvania State University and Colorado State University (tied), at 7
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