Your auto insurance card includes important information, like your policy number and coverage dates. Here’s what you need to know and how to keep this info safe.
The average American drove 13,482 miles in 2022, but your location and unique needs will inform your own average annual mileage.
Allstate seeks reimbursement plus damages under federal racketeering and fraud laws, and it isn’t the only insurer to do so this year.
You can add someone who doesn’t live with you to your car insurance policy, but it depends on the circumstances. Learn more.
Companies offering cheap car insurance with no down payment usually count the new policyholder’s first premium payment as a deposit.
Drivers under 21 have many options for cheap car insurance. Learn more about finding the best car insurance for you.
Driving barefoot isn’t illegal in any state. But you could still get in trouble if the police or your insurer decides your shoeless driving caused an accident.
Ford F-150 drivers save $260 annually on full coverage compared to the average U.S. insurance premium.
Vehicle inspection requirements vary by state, making it essential to understand the inspections necessary in your state and ensure your car is up to date.
While 20-year-olds generally pay less than teens for car insurance, they may still struggle to find cheap policies. Learn how to get the best car insurance.
The policyholder is the owner of a car insurance policy. Here’s how the policyholder affects pricing, changes, and other coverage aspects.
Your insurance company can choose to total your car if the numbers are right, but you have options if you want to keep the vehicle or dispute the loss.
Illinois emissions testing is a requirement for certain vehicles in certain counties in the state of Illinois. Find out what’s involved.
Looking to save on your car insurance as a graduate student? Learn strategies to reduce your car insurance costs.
States sometimes use DUI and DWI interchangeably, while in others, they’re separate charges entirely. Learn more.