Discover ways to manage car insurance costs, even on a tight budget. Learn about state-sponsored car insurance programs for low-income drivers, compare quotes, and find discounts.
If you want to cancel your SafeAuto insurance policy, learn the 5 steps you should take to end your coverage.
Depending on your auto insurance coverage, your policy may or may not cover vehicle theft. Find out if your policy covers theft.
Car manufacturers are under fire for data privacy practices that consumers allege led to higher insurance premiums.
Amica doesn’t offer online cancellations, so you should contact customer service if you want to cancel your auto insurance policy.
Some disabled drivers may want to purchase adaptive equipment car insurance for vehicle modifications, which can increase the cost of coverage.
A speeding ticket can stay on your record from one to 10 years, depending on where you live. Learn more about the effect of speeding tickets.
Wondering whether Erie vs. Foremost is the better insurer? Find out about key differences in price, customer service, and more.
Canceling USAA car insurance only takes a call to customer service. But before you switch, be sure to shop around for quotes and sign up for a new policy.
Understanding how car insurance works can help you shop smart for a policy. Learn how car insurance protects you financially on the road.
Getting car insurance with a learner’s permit is possible, and most permit drivers can get coverage through their guardian’s policy. Learn more.
Here’s a look at what a car insurance policy number is and where to find this unique alphanumeric code.
To cancel your Safeco policy, confirm your renewal date, compare and purchase new car insurance, then contact your nearest Safeco insurance agent by phone.
Insurance companies don’t offer $20 car insurance policies, but you may be able to secure coverage with an inexpensive down payment.
Here are some of the best auto insurance rates and discounts available for teachers, plus some other ways you can save on insurance as an educator.