Renters in California may see their rents rise as landlords grapple with higher property insurance costs.
Canceling a home insurance claim is fairly simple, but the claim may still affect your premium. Here’s how to start the process.
Your co-op’s bylaws, or your lender, might require you to have co-op insurance. These are the best companies to buy it from.
Living off-grid comes with additional risks, so it’s important to purchase homeowners insurance. Here’s how you can find off-grid home insurance.
Hundreds of California renters may soon have to find new insurance, while thousands more could face double-digit rate increases for their renters insurance.
Home insurance rates are rising for several reasons. Learn why your homeowners insurance rates went up.
A licensed agent explains how insurance companies set rates and why the federal government shies away from providing auto and home insurance.
Groceries, medical care, and home insurance costs have surged in recent years, leaving some retirees feeling financially strained.
Learn if your home insurance policy covers renovations, when to update your policy, and how to choose the right coverage to protect your home during improvements.
If you’re curious about condo insurance, learn about what it covers and who needs it.
American Mobile Insurance Exchange (AMIE) announced it’s canceling mobile and manufactured home policies across Florida, citing $15 million in losses.
Insurers don’t always require an inspection to sell you a home insurance policy, but most companies will want to assess your home in person.
Flood insurance protects you financially if a flood damages your home and belongings. Learn where to buy it and what it costs.
Learn which insurance companies offer the cheapest homeowners policies for seniors, what these policies cover, and how to get even lower insurance rates.
Losses from Hurricane Debby could top $12 billion, with $9.7 billion of that occurring in areas where homeowners and businesses may be less likely to have flood insurance, a new report shows.