5+ years writing insurance and personal finance topics
Auto, home, health, and life insurance expertise
Elizabeth has extensive insurance industry experience, having written for Insureon, Rate Retriever, and Insurify. She’s also finance and insurance editor for Car and Driver.
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Licensed auto and home insurance agent
3+ years experience in insurance and personal finance editing
NPN: 20564519
Katie uses her knowledge and expertise as a licensed property and casualty agent in Massachusetts to help readers understand the complexities of insurance shopping.
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A renters insurance declaration page provides a summary of your policy details. It includes key information, like your renters policy number and coverage limits. Also called a dec page, the declaration page is typically one of the first few pages of your insurance contract.
If you rent a home or apartment, having renters insurance coverage for your personal items and liabilities is important.
Here’s what you should know about a renters insurance declaration page, including what’s on it and when you might need it.
What information does a renters insurance declaration page include?
A renters insurance declaration page contains key details about your renters insurance policy. If you have a question about your policy or need to file a claim, you can typically find the relevant information on the declaration page. The page will look different depending on your insurance company, but you can always find it at the front of your policy documents.
You can learn more about what information a standard renters insurance declaration page includes below.
Policy and insurer information
You’ll find general details about your policy and insurance company on your renters insurance declaration page. You may need the following information when reporting a claim or making changes to your existing policy:
Policy period: The policy period includes the policy’s effective start date and end date.
Policy number: The dec page contains your policy number, often at the top of the page.
Insured property: The address of your rented property is on the dec page.
Insurance company: Your policy declaration page shows the name of the insurance company that underwrites your policy.
Insurance agent: If you have a designated insurance agent, the dec page includes their name and contact information.
Named insureds
Your renters insurance declaration page lists all the named insureds on your policy. This includes you, the main policyholder, as well as other people living in the same household the policy covers. For example, a partner or spouse could be a named insured.
Keep in mind that named insureds are the people you explicitly add to the policy. Your renters insurance doesn’t automatically cover other people you live with, such as roommates. If you want your policy to cover other people in your household, you must add them as named insureds.
Your coverages
Your renters policy typically includes property coverage, liability coverage, and loss of use coverage, though you may also add common endorsements.
Here are several of the main types of renters insurance coverage:
Personal property coverage
Personal property coverage pays to replace your personal items, like clothing, furniture, and small appliances, following damage or loss from a covered peril.
Personal liability coverage
If you accidentally injure someone or damage their property, personal liability insurance will pay for a settlement and your legal fees.
Loss of use coverage
Also called additional living expenses coverage, loss of use insurance can cover costs if a covered peril makes it necessary for you to relocate temporarily. It can cover expenses for a hotel, restaurant meals, laundry, and other essentials.
Medical payments coverage
If a guest incurs an injury at your home, medical payments insurance can provide some coverage for their medical bills, regardless of fault.
Scheduled personal property coverage
Scheduled personal property insurance is an optional endorsement that provides higher coverage limits for specific high-value items, like art, fine jewelry, and collections.
Water backup coverage
Water backup insurance is a different type of endorsement that covers damage from water backing up into your home through drains or pipes.
Your deductible
You can find your deductible information on your renters policy declaration page. The deductible is the amount of money you’re responsible for when you file a claim. The declaration page lists your deductible for each type of coverage.
Your premium
Your declaration page clearly states your renters insurance premium. Your premium is the cost of keeping your policy in force. The declaration page also lists out other policy fees you’re paying, like taxes and service charges. Depending on your insurance company, the dec page might also include the discounts that your insurance company has factored into your premium, like a pay-in-full discount or automatic payment discount.
Why do you need a renters insurance declaration page?
You might need a renters insurance declaration page in a few scenarios:
Filing a claim: You’ll probably need to refer to the declaration page when you file a claim. The dec page shows you which types of coverage you have, your coverage limits, and your deductible.
Signing a lease: Some property management companies require tenants to carry a renters insurance policy. As part of your lease agreement, your landlord or property manager might ask for a copy of your declaration page as proof of renters insurance.
Quote shopping: If you’re shopping for a new renters insurance policy, reviewing the dec page can be helpful. You’ll be able to get quotes for the same types of coverage, amounts of coverage, and deductibles, and you can hopefully find a lower rate.
Declaration page FAQs
If you have renters insurance, you might have questions about your declaration page. Here’s some information that can be helpful.
Where is the declaration page of an insurance policy?
The declaration page includes important details about your insurance policy. The dec page is usually the first or second page in your insurance binder. You’ll typically need this information to file a claim or make changes to your policy.
What is the difference between a renters insurance binder and a declaration page?
A renters insurance “binder” is just another term for your insurance contract documents. In that package of renters policy documents, the declaration page is usually at the front for easy access.
What can you send as proof of renters insurance?
A policy declaration page is one of the most common forms of proof of renters insurance because it contains your policy number and effective date. You can also provide a letter from your insurance company with your policy details as proof of coverage.
Elizabeth Rivelli is a freelance writer covering insurance and personal finance. She has extensive knowledge of various insurance lines, including property and casualty, health, and life insurance. Her byline has been featured in dozens of publications, including Investopedia, Forbes, Bankrate, NextAdvisor, and Insurance.com.
Elizabeth has been a contributor at Insurify since October 2022.
Licensed auto and home insurance agent
3+ years experience in insurance and personal finance editing
NPN: 20564519
Katie uses her knowledge and expertise as a licensed property and casualty agent in Massachusetts to help readers understand the complexities of insurance shopping.
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